Double skin facades

Double skin facades

The protagonist of a building is undoubtedly its facade. Without it, the property lacks its own personality, both in public and private buildings, since it is in its front part where its entire presence is reflected, that is, its hallmark.

We speak not only for the aesthetic part but also for its durability. One of the inconveniences we face when transforming the facade is the ornamental architectural elements of its original structure, since it forces us not to be able to do without them.

That is why MD Construction Engineering Group has created the Double skin formula with the aim of 100% preserving the original structure of the facade that has become obsolete and covering the building with a fresh new cover and avant-garde giving the property an absolute renovation.

For this we make a personalized study of the building , considering the possibilities that can be given within its primitive architectural structure.

Once the study of the building is done we prefabricate the elements on exclusive measures and models, based solely on the client’s objective. The new individualized façade is installed a few centimeters from the existing one, radically changing the appearance, style or color of the building and impregnating it with a magnificent appearance.

The technique of our facade development is the same used in the construction of yachts, the shape, color, and style are chosen individually by each client. There are many types and technologies applied to each project .

We play with both volumes and textures, these can be wavy, straight, thick or thin, the chosen color can be integrated into the mixture of the components at the time of manufacture where the customer can choose from a wide color palette . When the color is integrated into each piece, its durability is ensured, thus being maintenance-free.

Our technique allows working large dimensions (up to 20m high) without any visible fixing element.

The combination between a part of the facade in dark glass and another with three-dimensional artistic elements allows an incredibly spectacular final effect. Giving with it a safe value to the property as much as for its enjoyment, or in case of a future sale.

In Our group there is the possibility of embedding specific and specific elements such as the logo of a company, or include avant-garde sculptures on the main front, while introducing any other ornamental element for the main entrance of a villa, hotel or hotel. establishment all in three dimensions. This seal of MD Construction Engineering Group makes our work unique and totally personalized.

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